Thursday 29 March 2012

Brighton project and FMP!!

I havent blogged for a couple of weeks so here is what I have been up to since I finished my chair.....

my screen printed wall art I have kept this quite simple so it will contrast with my busy and colourful chair

And then theirs my light which took me a looong time but I am really pleased with here are some pictures of it in the making and the finished item....

Here is my pile of forks which finally arrived from ebay :D

Here is the first few of many!!! to be painted and then stuck to the paper and later washed off!! (white paint transfer)
and then the finished item... I know the light bulb looks a bit odd but it is only one I borrowed for the photoshoot :D

And then the finished interior...

I am now really looking forward to doing my FMP so here is my exotic bird moodboard...

From Lauren xx

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