Wednesday 25 January 2012

Roses are Red

So the 'Booking a Charity' project is over, and what a busy day I had yesterday, glued to the study, trying to get it finished. But at 11:30pm I finally went to bed after 15 hours of making napkins, painting blackboards, making labels, creating pages, printing and laminating paper. 
my finished "how to create and host a dinner part" box.
screen printed napkins.
Margo kept me company!

So we got our colour for the new project today and mine was RED, and at first i wasn't sure about it because I prefer darker colours, but after doing some work on Polyvore and ripping up practically hundreds of magazines I am really pleased with it!

AND LAST...........
On Monday Gayle gave me Herman a friendship cake, and I am currently looking after him, and next week I have to give 3 people part of the mixture so then they can go home and do the same thing.
I just hope I don't ruin him, but so far so good!

Rachel xx

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