Bravest Thing I've Done- Probably my driving test!
Chore I Hate- Loading the dishwasher and doing the washing up, as I hate the horrible water.
Dogs or Cats- CATS!! I have one cat Margo, and this photo pretty much sums her up!
Essential Start to the Day- It has to be Radio1 whilst I get ready.
Fear of- I hate Snakes, but strangely I also hate Bananas, which my friends constantly tease me about!
Geographical Location that is Important to me- 'Keepers Cottage' It's my Grandparents house in Devon, and as I have been going there all my life, it holds alot of memories.
Height- 5"3 ish. I wish I was taller!
Instrument I Play- I don't, I was even asked to leave recorder club in year 3 as I was so bad!
Journey- My Best Ever- Turkey last year, I went with my parents and sister, and it was an amazing 2 weeks. I just thought it was such a beautiful place, with amazing scenery, people, food, and shopping!
Kiss Ass Music Track- T-Rex- We love to Boogie and Smash Mouth- I'm a believer, as there both upbeat fun songs.
Lust After- Chanel 2.55 bag, it's just so pretty!!
Movie- I have sooo many favourite movies, of course the Harry Potter's, but I also love Chocolat, Notting Hill and Pretty Woman.
Nickname- My family call me Crocks or Little Crocks as my dad calls me.
Outrageous Behaviour- I cant think of anything....
Pet Peeves- I really can't stand whispering, and people talking whilst eating with their mouth full!
Quote From a Movie- "Whoops-a-dasies" from Notting Hill.
Recreational Activity- Well art has practically taken over my life, but any free time that I do have I spend going for country walks, with my friends, and when I have money, Shopping!!!
Siblings- I have one sister Rebecca and she is 21, love her!!!!
Television- I love Downton Abbey, Sherlock and I have to admit the usual rubbish such as 90210 and Made in Chelsea.
Undercover- What you Didn't Know About me- I am very fussy, as my closest friends know, and it can drive my parents mad!!
Va Va Voom- Who Gets my Engine Running- Mr Johnny Depp!!!

What Makes me Stop and Stare- I love going for walks in the country and the beach as the views are beautiful, but I also stop and stare at the things that I cant afford in shops.
X-ray Vision- What I would Like to see if I Could- I would love to know where everyone is going in airports, I find them quite fascinating places as I can sit for hours people watching!
Yummy, What I like to eat the Most- Battenburg and my mums Lasagne.
zzzzzzzzzz, what Makes me Sleep- A long day at college, followed by my cat falling asleep on me when I get home.
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