Friday 13 April 2012


I have actually had an uncharacteristically busy Easter so far, and today has been my first day to sit down and start organising my book and project. So far I have visited 4 museums, one space centre, researched 6 designers, bought 4 books and borrowed 6 books, written to 4 designers and brands and had an Alien film session with Jaz! (I have also socialised :P Dw I haven't spent all of my Easter on this project, unlike last year :P) Yesterday I went to Intech, which I would have enjoyed more if I was 12 years younger and they wouldn't let me take photos in the planetarium which was a bit meh! But I learnt a bit about black holes and how much little children annoy me :P I also got to play with this weird music table thing (called Reactable) which Swedish House Mafia use in one of their music videos. It was very fun, absolutely nothing related to my project, but it had cool lights!

Here is quite a good video of the Reactable

I suppose it is quite futuristic, so it could influence the technology side of this project....???

From Holly xxx

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