Friday 3 February 2012


So I went to my first interview yesterday - Cardiff Metro! I love Cardiff :)

I arrived and we were all taken to the textiles department, where the women who run the course took our names and asked who'd travelled the furthest, so they could be interviwed first and so on. I'd travelled two and half hours (in the car, but I got my boyfriend to drive, mwaha) so I was pretty high on the list.

We were taken to a large studio where we were all asked to put our portfolios out on the page they wanted us to start on, and they specified it to be a strong page - of course Gayle had gone through my portfolio the day before and it was set out that way - and then we all went for a quick tour around the department and split up into groups so we had something to do whilst everyone else was being interviewed. One group went to the sewing room, the room is huge and just full of rows of sewing machines, another went into a small IT room, where they have this giant one of a kind laser cutter, they commissioned it to be built and it can laser cut essentially everything, and the group I was in went to the more 3D area, where we used this machine that was like a soldering iron but it was shaped like a idea what it was called! We made some leaf shapes and were about to experiment with paper making over them when I was called out for my interview.

So I thought we would be going back upstairs to the portfolios, but we headed into a small office, so I thought oh, my portfolio will be in here - no such luck :( I don't know why, I felt really out of place without my portfolio next to me, despite this being my first interview, I think I'd just assumed I'd have it with me. I didn't let it show though! (I hope)

The woman interviewing me was quite nice, she seemed in a bit of a rush though. She asked me why I'd chosen Cardiff, how I'd heard of the university, what I thought I'd be doing in 7 years time, which textile designers had inspired me/influenced my work, what the last exhibition I'd visited was and to talk about it and about my work - I have several pages of photography in my portfolio, she asked about the work/process behind them and that led to my photography A level.

It wasn't too bad, so fingers crossed!

M x

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