Wednesday 25 January 2012

BLACK- Is it really a colour?

So I have been given the colour black, which I think will be a good challenge and a guess my portfolio is too happy at the moment hehee!
I was researching the colour black and I stumbled upon this website:
It has listings for lots of colours, the link is for the black page but the other colours are listed at the bottom. It has really helpful information in including what the colour means to other countries:
  • In Chinese culture, colors corresponded with the five primary elements, the directions, and the four seasons. Black was associated with water, north, and winter.
  • In Aztec culture, black represented war because black obsidian glass was used as the cutting edge of battle swords. It was also the symbol of religion; priests wore no other color but black.
  • In the west, black is the color of mourning but the custom of wearing unadorned black clothing for mourning dates back at least to the Roman Empire, when the Toga pulla made of dark-colored wool was worn during periods of mourning.
  • In rural areas of Mexico, Portugal, Spain, Italy and Greece widows will wear black for the rest of their lives. The immediate family members of the deceased will wear black for an extended period of time.
  • In England, taxi cabs are traditionally black.
  • In China, black is a traditional clothing color for boys.
Some of it is related more to America but I think it is still really useful!
Josie x

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